by admin | Oct 11, 2021 | Events, Fund Raising, General News, Local Business to Lyne, Lyne Community, News, Supporters
You are invited to our: Annual General Meeting in the Village Hall on Monday 29th November 2021. Join us at 7.00 pm for refreshments and meet the committee with a 7.30pm start for the meeting.
by admin | Nov 7, 2016 | Events, General News, Lyne Community, News
Please come along to Lyne Village Hall annual general meeting on Thursday 24th November 2016. 7.00 pm for refreshments and the meting starts at 7.30 pm. ALL WELCOME Please come along to find out what is going on or if you wish to get involved.
by admin | Nov 9, 2015 | Events, General News, Lyne Community, News
Lyne Village Hall’s Annual General Meeting Lyne Village Hall’s annual general meeting is being held on 23rd November 2015, 7.00pm onwards in the village hall. Please come along to support your village hall. Refreshments served. We look forward to seeing...